Complete the survey through Monday, May 24 Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) has assembled a Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) to study and provide feedback on different design alternatives being considered for a new direct freeway to freeway connector between Northbound 101 and Eastbound 580 (see the project website). The SWG has met five times between June of 2020 and now. Bret Harte is being represented by BHCA members Betsy Swenerton and Jim Draper. The project goals are to make pedestrian and bicycle improvements on Bellam Blvd (this work is included with all design alternatives), and to reduce travel time from 101NB to 580 EB (currently 7.6 – 16 minutes, depending on if you go through Bellam or Sir Francis Drake). A total of 9 different design alternatives are being considered; the top 2 or 3 will move on to the Environmental Impact phase. Many of the designs being considered make changes to the Francisco / Bellam / Andersen area, which directly impacts Bret Harte, California Park and the East San Rafael and Canal neighborhoods. We need to show TAM which alternatives Bret Harte residents support the most. The Stakeholder Working Group and TAM design team are focusing on potential Equity impacts for each design alternative. TAM has provided this Project Handbook to be shared with the communities most impacted by the proposed design alternatives. BHCA has created a simple survey for Bret Harte Residents to indicate which design alternative they support most – ranked choice, top 3. Below is a summary of each design alternative, highlighting elements important to Bret Harte. Please review the summary along with TAM’s Project Handbook, and complete the survey ranking your top three choices of design alternatives. This information will be shared directly with the TAM design team. Feel free to reach out to Betsy Swenerton at [email protected] with any questions. As a Bret Harte resident who’s been participating in the stakeholder working group meetings, I support Hillside Options A and B first, and then Design Alternative 6. I feel that any design option that closes the SB 101 exit to Bellam (Options 2 and 4) would have a negative effect on the Canal neighborhood. I also feel that all of the low speed (35 mph) options (3A, 3B, 3B Mod, 4) do not offer enough positive change to justify the expense of building them. And finally, I’m generally against adding more congestion and overhead bridges to the Bellam area (5), which is why I prefer Hillside Options A and B first, and Alternative 6 second. —Betsy Swenerton, [email protected] Summary of NB101 – EB580 Direct Connect Design Alternatives
Hillside A (1A)
Hillside B (1B)
Simms Street (2)
Low Speed A (3A)
Low Speed B (3B)
Modified Low Speed B (Mod 3B)
Swing Out (4)
Medium Speed (5)
Andersen Dr Mid-Way (6)
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