Greetings, neighbors, here are some art ideas and suggestions for your fun and pleasure, for all ages: kids and adults!
~ draw! on paper BIG and small. Any kind of paper will work. Try a 3-D drawing: cover a cardboard box with drawings and symbols! pro-tip: cover the box with paper (white or colored) then draw, or paint the box with acrylic paints or gesso, let it dry, then draw. Use all kinds of drawing tools: pencils, pens, and feathers and sticks dipped into ink or diluted tempera paint. Also: create a personal sketch book (all 3rd - 5th graders have made these with me before). ~ paint!: watercolors set up on top of newspaper on the kitchen table make less mess...Also, try setting up big sheets of cardboard or paper outside taped up on a vertical surface and encourage BIG painting! ~ clay!: mush, gush, pound out frustrations! Your finished clay can air dry outside in the sun and then be painted with acrylic paint. ~ hammer!!: securely clamp a 2 x 4 or thick wood to a table and find a hammer that fits your hand and use nails with a large head. Also, try pounding nails into an old wooden stump! ~ sewing and weaving are very soothing activities as well. Now might be a good time to start a quilt...holding a quilt in your lap is very comforting. ~ take a "trash walk" around your yard, or around the block, and set up your own rules: find and pick up 7 things, or 13 things, from Nature, or anything you find, including "trash” (please do not pick up any glass or anything dangerous!) Take these treasures home and make a collage by taping or gluing (white glue recommended) them onto a big colorful piece of paper. ~ now that the rain has washed our sidewalks and streets clean, go outside and create some street art to inspire your neighbors! create colorful drawings, start a ribbon of colors along the curb, or write out a message of hope and inspiration that all can enjoy as they walk through our neighborhood! I hope you enjoy having the time to make some art. Take good care, be well and have fun! —Molly Blauvelt, BHCA President |