Greetings, neighbors! Thank you to everyone who turned out at the meeting. If you couldn't make it, please come next time. Here's what we discussed. Join the BHCA. We encourage all of you to please sign up to become a BHCA member! Dues for a family are only $25 annually (open to anyone in the neighborhood, renters and homeowners alike). We currently have approximately 50 households that pay dues each year, and we need at least 10 more to cover expenses. We're working on the website to include a payment mechanism, in the meantime you can visit the Join the BHCApage for more information. Subscribe to the Email List. We also encourage all of you to subscribe to the BHCA email list, so you won’t miss any important information. Subscribe here. Upcoming Events.Contact the event host if you'd like to sign up to volunteer. We are always in need of event volunteers, please consider helping out at an event or two.
Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods (FedSRN). Consider joining the FedSRN (, $10/year). There are two Bret Harte residents on the Fed SRN Steering Committee, Jim Draper (City Liaison for BHCA), and Betsy Swenerton. Monthly General Meetings are open to all:
New Vegetation Management Program. We are looking for neighbors to spearhead a neighborhood vegetation management program. Please contact Molly at [email protected]for more information. Join the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Be prepared in case of disaster and help your neighbors (and yourself) before first responders can arrive. Next San Rafael CERT Class is September 5, 7 & 14. Learn more at Upper Irwin Project. The repairs at Upper Irwin St. are proceeding well. All the retaining walls are completed. Paving and drainage work on the roadway will follow. work is expected to be completed and Irwin St. reopened by the second week of July. Park Updates. PG&E has not yet hooked up our park bathroom. The City is trying to replace the toilet with a larger one, which requires retrofitting the prefab unit…in the meantime, please use the toilet gently. Gas Pipeline Upgrades. PG&E is expected to begin work this week to replace the gas pipelines on Woodland between Picnic and Bungalow, and on Billou Street. The Billou St. gas project may require digging up the service lines to homes. please direct your questions and concerns to the City and the Dept. of Public Works. This work may be disruptive, so please be patient and drive safely. SMART Train. SMART will begin testing their tracks from August into December, which will include testing the horns, and the 2nd and 3rd St. crossings. I hope you have a chance to check out the new multi-use pathway and bike paths! Offramp Construction. Caltrans will begin work to upgrade the NB Central San Rafael Offramp from the freeway, at Irwin St. this Fall. The agency is warning that it will impact traffic downtown for more than a year. |