Join / Renew Your MembershipBecome a member of (or renew your membership in) the Bret Harte Community Association (BHCA) today and help support the many neighborhood events the BHCA organizes, many of them free for participants. Be the first to know about upcoming events, parties, festivals, and more. And make your voice heard in neighborhood improvement plans, and help guide the future of Bret Harte.
To become a member of the BHCA (or renew your current membership), fill out the form below or submit payment by check. The cost is $25/calendar year, and 100% of funds received are used for events and programs that benefit our Bret Harte community. Your membership helps support the many neighborhood events the BHCA organizes, many of them free for participants. Members are the first to know about upcoming events, parties, festivals, and more; and are able to make their voice heard in neighborhood improvement plans. BHCA Members help guide the future of our beautiful Bret Harte neighborhood. Memberships are by household, adult members of the household may be included under a single membership. Please note that memberships are by calendar year. Dues received will be applied to the current year's membership unless otherwise requested. |
Pay by Check
If you would like to join or renew your membership by check, please download the membership form and follow the instructions for submitting.
Membership Questions
If you have any questions about your membership, please contact [email protected].
If you would like to join or renew your membership by check, please download the membership form and follow the instructions for submitting.
Membership Questions
If you have any questions about your membership, please contact [email protected].