Article I - Name The name of this organization shall be the Bret Harte Community Association (the “Association")
Article II - Boundary The neighborhood shall be defined as the territory within Irwin at Woodland, Du Bois at Woodland, Irwin at Baywood Terrace, and Irwin at Tiburon.
Article III - Purposes The purpose of this Association shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Promoting and contributing to the public health, safety, peace, comfort, general welfare, and betterment of the Bret Harte neighborhood through organized and cooperative action.
Facilitating contact, interaction, and communication between the residents in the Bret Harte neighborhood, and between members of this Association and other associations, organizations and governmental entities and departments, whose actions or proposed actions impact or affect the quality of life for our residents, in the present or in the future.
Article IV - Membership
Membership in this Association, with all attendant rights and privileges, shall be open to all residents of the Bret Harte neighborhood. Membership, for purposes of voting and holding office, shall be based only upon payment of those dues and fees as may be levied by the Steering Committee, and shall terminate upon failure to pay such dues and fees.
No member shall receive compensation or remuneration for services rendered.
A member may submit receipts for legitimate and/or authorized expenditures on behalf of this association to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
Article V - Dues, Fees, and Other Assessments
Dues shall be $25.00 per household per calendar year.
Dues may be changed by action of the Steering Committee provided such change is ratified by a majority vote of members present at a general or special meeting.
Special assessments may be levied by action of the Steering Committee provided such action is ratified by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a general or special meeting.
No dues, fees, or other assessments paid by any member shall be refundable.
The Association shall maintain its affairs on a fiscal year basis beginning on July 1.
Upon dissolution of this Association, all assets shall be liquidated and net proceeds donated to a suitable San Rafael organization that serves as a service provider in the area of human needs, and designated by the dissolving Steering Committee
Article VI - Steering Committee and Officers
Only those members entitled to vote under the provisions of Article IV shall be eligible to serve on the Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee shall consist of no more than 15 members who are willing to serve.
The term of office for Steering Committee members shall be one year, beginning August 1
Votes may only be taken with a quorum present.
A quorum is defined as the first odd number that is more than half of the Steering Committee.
If the Steering Committee is at its 15 member limit, and someone wishes to sit on the Steering Committee at that time, the Steering Committee may either:
Vote to enlarge the member limit for a one-time, one-year time period, or
Vote to call within 60 days for a general membership meeting to elect the top 15 vote getters.
The Steering Committee shall hold elections each August and shall select officers from their number by majority vote as follows:
Two Co-chairpersons, to preside at all meetings of the Association and Steering Committee, and to represent the Steering Committee at City Council Meetings, Planning Commission Meetings, Design Review Meetings, and at other meetings, affairs, and activities, and on other organizations and committees.
One Treasurer, to receive and disburse all Association monies at the direction of the Steering Committee, and to maintain the association financial records.
One Communications Manager, to maintain association records and files, keep copies of association agendas, newsletters, emails, correspondence, etc. for association records, and record Steering Committee decisions, votes, and amendments to these by-laws.
Newly elected officers shall take office on August 1st.
A Steering Committee member may not be a Co-chairperson for more than two consecutive terms of office.
To remove a Steering Committee member shall require a majority vote of the entire Steering Committee and that seat shall be considered vacant.
The vacancy may be left open, or may be filled by appointment from the general membership by the Co-chairpersons, and requires a majority vote of approval by the Steering Committee at a general or special meeting.